2022, Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative: “Hard Lessons for Small Farms”
2022, Yahoo News: “Gen Z and millennial farmers face funding issues, isolation and major knowledge gaps — this group wants to change that”
2021, UT News: “An Advocate for Small Farms and Better Food Systems”
2021, National Young Farmers Coalition: “Reflections on Winter Storm Uri with Carolina Mueller”
2021, Austin American Statesman: “‘Frozen, dead and rotting’: Central Texas farmers get first look at storm aftermath”
2021, Austin American Statesman: “After devastating Texas freeze, farmers are seeking relief wherever they can find it”
2021, Eater Austin: “Central Texas Farmers Share the Devastating Impacts of the Winter Storm”
2021, CBS Austin: “Texas Strong Relief Concert held to benefit Texas farmers struggling after winter storm”
2021, Community Impact: “Central Texas farmers are reeling after the winter freeze wiped out their crops. Here is how you can help”